Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Today, Joshua and Andrea went back to school (of sorts). They attend a program that is for homeschoolers while allowing the kids to go to school twice a week. I settled the kids in for their first day and Andrea eagerly waved me off. Joshua was a little apprehensive as his grade moved into the room of junior high students. But he gave me a half hearted wave and I took my leave with two in tow.
The house was eerily quiet as Sarah went for a nap and Arianna did some crafting. The non stop jabbering of kids and make believe play wasn't there and I felt like I should be doing something more productive than *playing* with Arianna. I also know she was missing them as much as I was. I watched the clock until I knew I could leave to get them without being too early and with joy in my heart, I picked them up at 3:00. The van was full of news, updates and information as we made the short drive home.

An hour later and Arianna has her buddies back home and things resume.... the way I like it.

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