Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Today is the last morning that the kids will go to school on a Tuesday or Thursday.  After much consideration, discussion and prayer, Doug and I have decided to return to full-time home schooling for Joshua, Andrea, and Arianna.  It is very important to note that we still support the Stony Creek program, and that we are thankful for the time and effort that everyone involved has put into the education of our children.  The best learning path will be different for each and every student (and that includes adults too!).  For our family, we have reached the conclusion that home schooling is the best route at this time.  With Doug’s travel for work, it will also allow us to go with him as a family... seeing different areas of Western Canada, interacting with different people, and learning about the world we live in by physically being in it.  This is an opportunity that we simply can’t take advantage of while being part of the Stony Creek program. 

The driving factor for us has been a verse from the Bible that has been at the forefront of our thoughts since July of last year: “Train your child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6 (emphasis added) We have prayed this verse since last July and we are now following through on what we believe will be best for our kids.  

Truth be told, I am sad at the thought of leaving for the last time tomorrow.  The relationships I have developed with the teachers, particularly the girls', goes way beyond the typical parent/teacher relationship.  I consider her a friend and intend to continue our friendship as we embark on this next phase of the home school journey.  I value her opinions, insights and views and I leave the school knowing she had a profound impact on my childrens' lives.  I left the school feeling supported, encouraged and appreciated by all three of my kids' teachers. 

I look forward to teaching the kids with eager anticipation.  I'm excited to see them learn things with  Doug and I and to see how our family will grow stronger together because of this change.  I am looking forward to embark on the new phase of our schooling journey.


  1. So happy God has given you peace with your decision. My homeschooling years hold some of my dearest memories.

  2. Stephanie, I am so proud of you and Doug for doing what is best for your family. Good luck on this new journey and prayers!!
