Thursday, July 28, 2011


I have been struggling with this for Sarah since it was confirmed that she is globally delayed.  I've had a wonderful EI worker come to our house every 2-4 weeks to play with Sarah and teach me how to help her develop further.  Some of the exercises (if you will) take a fair amount of effort and time on my part.  Planning and helping her stay focused.  I know that these times will help her grow and become stronger...


a small part of my momma heart wants to leave her alone.  No therapeutic *playing*, no working on areas of weakness... nothing.  Just let her be perfectly three years old.  She will learn things as she chooses and will gain confidence and knowledge at her own pace...


I need to give her the tools required to reach her full potential.  I need to help her reach the top of HER mountain, however high that may be. 

I wish I knew the answers...

1 comment:

  1. As always, you continue to amaze me. Continuing to pray as you make your way through this journey...
