Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Another Update

We made the decision to apply for financial assistance from Family Support for Children with Disabilities.  In order to receive this funding, we needed to get a referral letter from our pediatrician stating Sarah's needs and his concerns. This is what it says:

Sarah has developmental delays and Microcephaly. She will always need special education. She has documented delays in speech, fine motor and gross motor and visual memory as well as auditory recognition skills. Her condition is chronic and organic. Any help you can give this family is appreciated and appropriate.

Dr. M.

I knew these were the concerns but I guess seeing them so black and white is harsh and hurts a bit.  Maybe inside, deep down, I had hoped that the letter wouldn't say anything like that and we wouldn't be able to apply...

Philippians 4:13 "I can do ALL things through Him who gives me strength." 

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