Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thankful Thursday {11.8.12}

1.  I am thankful for my husband.  He works crazy hard to ensure that I continue to fulfill my dream of being a stay at home mom and be with our kids during the day.  He is my friend and my lifelong support system.  We were truly made for each other. 

2.  I am thankful for each of our kids.  Joshua who is growing more and more each day.  Andrea who is less and less of a little girl, and more of a young woman.  For Arianna, who although is growing up, is still so young and carefree.  For Sarah who delights me on a daily basis.

3.  Alicia.  My sister, my best friend.  Their recent move to Calgary has been exceptionally hard on us as we are so close and tight-knit.  Talking on the phone is alright but nothing quite beats a face to face, cup of coffee in the midst of our kid-chaos.  We miss seeing each other weekly and I keep praying for a peace to surround us both as the miles are keeping us apart.  Love her SO much.  I am thankful that my parents encouraged strong sibling relationships.  Although we don't see each other as often as we'd like, when we do get together, we have a great time.

4.  I am blessed with amazing in-laws.  They are encouraging, supportive and loving.  I feel like one of their kids and that I belong in their family.  I am so grateful to have them in my life. 

5.  I like my church.  I appreciate (more than words can say) all the fantastic children's workers.  I know that they love the kids they work with and I am thankful that on Sundays, Sarah is able to be in a safe (age appropriate for her) place.  (Debbie, Karen, Corine & Janet)

6.  I appreciate the free services available to Sarah.  Access to an AMAZING early intervention coordinator who makes me feel like Sarah is really special to her and not "just another client".  She has supported my decisions and done everything she can to help me on this journey.  Sarah's pediatrician is wonderful.  Maybe not fantastic bedside manners but he is good at what he does and he has paved the way for most of Sarah's diagnoses

7.  I have a few of the greatest friends in the world.  They listen to me vent about anything and they support and love me in what I do.  They share a love for coffee and homeschooling and they are a very important part of my life.  I am thankful for the friends who may not educate in the same manner as me but are still supportive and encouraging.

8.  My freedom to educate my kids as I wish.  I love being with them and being the primary educator is very important to Doug and I.

9.  I am thankful for my country and the men and women who faithfully serve us overseas.  May they all be remembered; past, present and future.  I am fortunate that I can worship freely. 

10.  For today.  No sounds of war in the back ground, no fear of natural disasters, and no illness to make me wonder about my future. 

I'm exceptionally blessed and I am remembering to be thankful today.

*Picture at the top taken from HERE

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder to posture myself in gratitude. It really is the root of happiness. Your words were a great pause in my day. Grounding.
