Friday, November 1, 2013


I've been sort of at a stale point in my blogging lately and I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because I don't think people want to hear about me, my kids or our homeschooling adventures. I found the following questions online after I searched "Christian Blog Prompts". I'm going to challenge myself and try to blog each question in the month of November which means one post every other day. This will be an interesting experience because it will be exposing my heart in ways that I haven't before. I'll still throw in snippets of what's going on in my daily life, keeping up with my Wordless Wednesday and Thankful Thursday posts. Question number one will be posted later on this afternoon.

1. What has God done in your life or through you life that has caused you to experience His presence? 

2. What Scripture has God used to speak to you about Himself, His purposes or His ways? 

3. Has your enthusiasm for Christ increased or waned over time? 

4. What is your testimony?

5. What adjustment is God leading you to make in your life? 

6. When do you feel especially close to God? 

7. Are there times when God feels distant from you? 

8. Which of God’s promises in the Bible means the most to you right now? 

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