Friday, August 14, 2015

Camping 2015

We thought we'd go camping for the August long weekend. We are blessed to have friends who allowed us to park the motor home near the back of their property for a few days. We are equally blessed to have been able to borrow Doug's parent's motor home. This is where the word "camping" is a little grey. The motor home is 40 feet long, has a washer/dryer combo, two pullouts and dining room style chairs. And I brought my Keurig because "camp" coffee did not cut it for me. But, we did cook all our meals outside and as long as the weather cooperated, we ate outside as well.

 Doug was cooking pancakes and Arianna held up an umbrella so they wouldn't get too wet.

There was a whole lot of relaxing going on as well. The hammock was well used and we even had a little pool to cool down in as the temperatures were in the low 30's for much of the week.

Campfires were a regular part of our time as well and I think I've eaten enough hot dogs and s'mores for quite a while now.
 Our hosts got a kitten while we were there and Arianna fell in love with her.

Our hosts allowed us the use of their quads while we were there. They have acres of trails that the kids, Doug and I thoroughly enjoyed riding on. Sarah went from being terrified of the noise from the quad to asking for rides on it. Once we realized she wanted to go riding, we did get her helmet. I was so proud of her for conquering that fear.
Naps happened too. 


Our weekend away turned into a full week. A few trips back home were made as we needed fresh clothes and some extra food. The older two kids and Doug spent a few nights at home as they had to work during the week and it was easier for them to be at home. Arianna, Sarah and I managed to stay out for the whole time though. Sarah loved being there. Even one morning while it was raining, she was running around squealing and laughing the whole time. She loved being outside and I think she ran all. day. long. Slowing down just long enough to eat a few bites here and there and then just as quickly was off to the next adventure.

 Sarah had a swing set to play on and I'm sure she spend most of her day on it.

For some reason, my older two thought filling their mouths with marshmallows would be a good idea. I suppose it was- if you're a teenager.

Lots of this happened. Sitting by the fire and doing much relaxing.

Our last trip as a family was in 2012 when we drove all the way to Alabama. This was much different as we stayed in once place, enjoying the space that we had. It was as though we had an entire campground to ourselves and it was a much needed time away. I'm so thankful to my in laws for the use of their motor home as well as our friends who allowed us to hang out on their property for a week. What a blessing that was and many great memories were made. 

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