Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 3

Of my new workout regime.  Just a brisk walk on the treadmill for now.

2.22 km
30 minutes
196 calories burned
*my 2 km goal was done at 26:00- 4 minutes faster than yesterday*

Scrapbook Fun

Here's a look at some of my newest layouts:

 The next three layouts were *borrowed* from my friend Kelly!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Couch to 5K

Week one, day one is done.  A routine of a 5 minute warm up, 60 seconds of jogging, 90 seconds of walking.  Repeat the jogging/walking for 20 minutes and then cool down for another 5.  I'm not totally sure what a jogging speed is, but I'm sure I wasn't quite there...

2.03 km
30 minutes
200 calories burned

Another quilt

A few weeks ago, I was shown a quilt tutorial on a BLOG called Aesthetic Nest.   It inspired me to try it since it was totally different than what I've normally done.  It was a lot of fun... especially to do something new.  Here's a photographic journey of what I did!
Fabric choices... LOVE the bright prints.
 Starting the sewing
110 diagonal seams!
 The finished product
I love the chenille.  I did a few things differently but that adds a personal touch right?

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The time has come!

 I suppose that after 2.5 years, I can no longer excuse the condition of my body because I *just had a baby*.  Yeah, that baby is pushing 3 years old now.  I stepped on the scale and was very disappointed and frustrated at the numbers.  They aren't outrageous but on my shorter and smaller frame, it wasn't good.  So with some fierce determination and perseverance, I accomplished a 40 minute workout with Turbo Jam.

It was a doozy of a workout but I am sure that with Turbo Jam, Jillian Michaels and Couch to 5K, I will get in shape and drop those numbers on the scale.  I will DO IT!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I love my kids

Because I love them:
  • I am their advocate when they need support and encouragement
  • To the best of my ability, I will make sure they are safe, happy and healthy
  • I will listen to their side of the story first and hear them out
  • I know what is best for them
  • I will make sure they do their best in everything they do
  • I will teach them to be respectful, polite and courteous
  • I will not show them the easy way all the time 
  • They will be taught and shown how to succeed in life
  • Life skills will be learned how I want them to be learned
  • I get to decide how they they will be educated
  • I will help them best they can be
  • They will love God and be taught how to be like Jesus, even if it is a daily reminder

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I am a toddler

I borrowed this from my friend Stacy's blog.  I thought it was very appropriate for my own 2.5 year old!

I am a Toddler

If it is on, I must turn it off
If it is off, I must turn it on
If it is folded, I must unfold it
If it is liquid, it must be shaken, then spilled
If it is a solid, it must be crumpled, chewed and smeared
If it is high, it must be reached
If it is shelved, it must be unshelved
If it is pointed, it must be run with at top speed
If it has leaves, they must be picked
If it is plugged, it must be unplugged
If it is not trashed, it must be thrown away
If it is in the trash, it must be removed,
inspected and thrown on the floor
If it is closed, it must be opened
If it does not open, it must be screamed at
If it has drawers, they must be rifled
If it is a pencil, it must write on the refrigerator, monitor or table
If it is full, it will be more interesting emptied
If it is empty, it will be more interesting full
If it is a pile of dirt, it must be laid upon
If it is a stroller, it must under no circumstances be ridden in without protest.
It must be pushed by me instead
If it has a flat surface, it must be banged upon
If Mommy’s hands are full, I must be carried
If Mommy is in a hurry and wants to carry me, I must walk alone
If it is paper, it must be torn
If it has buttons, they must be pressed
If the volume is low, it must go high
If it is toilet paper, it must be unrolled on the floor
If it is a drawer, it must be pulled upon
If it is not a toothbrush, it must be inserted into my mouth
If it has a faucet, it must be turned on at full force
If it is a phone, I must talk on it
If it is a bug, I must swallow it
If it doesn’t stay on my spoon it must be dropped on the floor
If it is not food, it must be tasted
If it IS food, it must NOT be tasted
If it is a car seat, it must be protested with arched back
If it is Mommy, it must be hugged

Monday, January 24, 2011

Untitled (for now)

While I was online this morning, I was searching and researching different home school boards.  I am looking in particular for a board that accepts and encourages "parent-led" education.  I mentioned some of my concerns and thoughts a few days ago since that's when I was beginning to feel it was time to move on.  I had read the following on a website I found:

"We believe that while the government has a responsibility to see to it that its citizens are receiving an education, parents have been given primary responsibility and authority from God to determine the content and nature of what their children are taught. That is why educational services, as an extension of this parental authority, must be operated and directed by parents who together with teachers, educational assistants, and administrators develop a community that is faithful to and consistent with parental responsibility." ~Roots Homeschooling~

Their philosophy on home education was exactly what I needed to read.  Such encouragement that I AM making the right decision.  The kids love the home days and tolerate the school days.  When I asked each of them individually if they'd be interested in returning to full time home schooling, I received eager enthusiasm by all.  Another few months to complete the current year and then we'll dive into a whole {sort of} new endeavor. 

It's time

To start looking at home-school school boards.  I don't even know where to begin this endevour.  I have heard so many good things about so many boards that I know the research will be extensive.  Onto the next phase of life...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cinnamon Bread

I love to bake.  Cookies, squares, breads... whatever.  Bread though is one of those really fun things for me.  I love watching and seeing the yeast *grow* and expand in it's hot liquid.  Today I used a recipe from The Pioneer Woman.  It was SO delicious and yum!  The smell of baking bread filled my house and my mouth watered at the anticipation of tempting my taste buds!  It took a lot of time but was super easy!
 butter melting in milk

 adding the yeast
 project coordinator
 mixing it all up
 ball of dough
 magic comes to life... it has risen
 rolled it out
 sugar, cinnamon and I added brown sugar
 ready to be rolled up
 the second rising
hot out of the oven
My kids devoured half of this loaf after school and I am guilty of enjoying two sweet slices of my own.  So amazingly good... I can't wait to make it again.  I will probably double it though to make two right away.

The recipe can be found at Ree Drummond's site HERE.  I love her blog and wish I could write and photograph as eloquently as her. 

Friday, January 14, 2011

Colorinc Contest!

There is a Giveaway at Colorinc that I would love to get!
Click here >> GIVEAWAY to find out more!

What a great prize this would be to win!!  I see endless possibilities of creative photography with these actions!

Reader Contest...

Coming soon... watch for details!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thankful Thursday (01.13.11)

  • Coffee and it's partner French Vanilla Creamer
  • A garage with an automatic door opener
  • Friends who encourage and support me
  • The freedom to chose how my children will be educated
  • Coffee dates with friends
  • A warm house to live it
  • A husband who loves me unconditionally
  • Receiving a note from my 6 year old telling me that I am "the best mom in the universe" You can see the picture at my other blog: 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Candy

I had read on Facebook of a friend who made snow candy.  So we did it today as well!

 1 cup of sugar
 A pan of snow
 Mixture of 1 cup sugar, 1/2 cup corn syrup, 1/2 cup Rogers Golden Syrup
 And stir... until it is 285* (I guessed... no thermometer)
 Drizzle over the snow
In just a few minutes, the candy hardens into a firm, sweet and sticky treat!


Even though my kids go to school twice a week, I consider myself a homeschooling mom.  I mean 75% of their education is done at home.  I have a child who is not embracing the "away from home" part of the program.  I can tell because she tells me most mornings that she doesn't want to go.  Today I sent her despite the fact that she's been fighting a cough and such.  I received a call at 11:20 with a little voice on the other end saying her tummy hurt and asked me if I could come and get her.  I did.  She didn't appear very sick when we arrived at home.  She is coughing, yes.  She is stuffed up, yes.  Is she really sick?  I think not. 

This leaves me to wonder if I should follow my gut instinct and go back to full time homeschooling like I did a few years ago?  Or should I just keep her home for another few years.  I am not a very out going person and I hate when I have to defend my choices.  I know that I will receive questions and even disapproval from people.  I want to ensure that my children don't grow up with the same fear and intense dislike of school that I did.  Schooling can be fun and doesn't have to be done in a traditional classroom.  Kids can learn at home, in the kitchen, in the garage, on the computer, at the museum, at science centers... there is such a big world out there to learn in.  And maybe for my kids (or at least one of them), maybe the four walls of a traditional classroom isn't the place to be.

I just pray that I will do what I know and feel is right.

Tuesday Tumblings

  • I started today with a visit from a very good friend
  • It is three weeks until my 35th birthday
  • I really do have the bestest in-laws
  • I saw a man driving while eating soup.  No hands on the wheel for approx. 1.5 km!
  • I do very much love my iPhone
  • Coffee is (and likely always will be) my favorite morning beverage
  • I *heart* homeschooling
  • There is about 3 feet of snow in the field behind our house
  • -29* is too cold for anything
Happy Tuesday my readers!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Video Giveaway!

Shutterbox Designs is giving away a NEWBORN POSING VIDEO on their site!  I would love to win this as it would help me expand my photography skills! 
Wish me luck!

You never know

When an event will completely throw you off guard.  I attended the funeral of a good friend's mom this afternoon.  She was 85 years old.  A long life of being a mom and a grandma. 
Two lines into the first song and I broke down.  I thought I'd be good.  I thought "it's been 11.5 years, I will be fine".  But when the song that was being sung would have been one that my own mom would have liked, there was nothing that held me back.  Once I started, I had a hard time stopping.  My own grief is still so fresh, new and painful. 
When I picked the girls up, my friend who was watching them said it's like lifting the lid again.  All the emotions come pouring out after being held in.  Held in due to busyness of life, raising little ones, homeschooling the big ones, keeping the home running, being a wife and mother.  Then in those quiet moments in the church, where the craziness is left at home, the hurt bubbles and rises to the surface, coming out in a torrent of tears. I then thought how selfish I must be.  At someone elses' mom's funeral and here I am caught up in my own sadness and hurt.  How unfair that is to them.  I am so very sorry.  I am thankful for the arms that hugged me this afternoon.  Those who knew my mom and loved her too.  I felt like a little girl who just wanted to be in her dad's lap one more time.  To have his strong arms around me, telling me that it would be ok.  I am thankful for the dad-like arms who did hold me.  
I miss my mom so incredibly much and would love nothing more than to hear her voice, see her face and be reminded of how much she loved me.

Library vs Television

I ended 2010 thinking my kids watch entirely too much television.  It would be {in part} my fault since I agreed to all the programming channels that we had.  I also was noticing a negative effect on the kids and how they talked to me and each other.  I wasn't liking it.  So this morning, we went to the library for the first time in YEARS!  It's cost me $15 for a card that can be used at most libraries in Alberta!  We signed out a bunch of books and we're going to re-program our heads.  More reading and less TV.

By reducing our television programming, I was able to cut our bill in almost half!  That will be such a nice treat next month.  Here's to changes in lifestyle and changing our thinking.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Oh how I love to scrapbook and oh how it's taken a back burner position in my list of things to do.  My good friend KELLY is giving herself a goal of three pages a week and I'm going to try to keep up to her.  The kids' books all need updating and I have more than enough pictures to work with.  I'll probably do some digital, some paper and some hybrid!  Wish me luck and I look forward to sharing them with you!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

My go-to person

I think everyone needs one of those.  Someone who knows *just about everything* there is to know about you.  Quite often, it's Doug.  My husband.  But... there are the times when I need to talk about him to someone.  For over 30 years, my go-to person has been my sister.  Our mom encouraged us to be friends white growing up.  And even though we had our sisterly squabbles, disagreements and arguments, we always came out on good terms with one another. 

I suppose we are quite different.  Growing up, Alicia was a huge fan of Barbies.  Driven by education goals and career minded.  Interesting how those growing up days led to her career path as an adult.  Long years of post secondary education to become a junior high teacher.  This would be one of the big differences between us... I couldn't wait to be done school, get married and begin a family.  As a little girl, I always wanted to play with dolls.  Being a mom was my greatest goal in life.  It's neat to see how our childhood play-things helped form who we are as women. 

Since Alicia had her first baby nearly 3.5 years ago, our similarities have multiplied.  Suddenly, we could share stories about sleepless nights, diaper rashes, potty training and different discipline ideas.  What a joy to be able to experience motherhood together.  I was so excited to know that my last baby and her second would only be months apart.  It is delightful to see Lucy and Sarah get bigger and grow up together!  Add a mischievous Ben to the mix and we have such entertaining visits! 

Our visits... oh there is so much I could say about them.  We talk about absolutely everything together.  Our kids, husbands, friends, church, life at home, our families... you name it.  We meet at parks weekly during the summer as we try to sip our coffees while at the same time, ensuring our toddler daughters are not falling off something!  We walk the mall, with coffee in one hand, pushing a stroller with the other.  We can be interrupted numerous times by kissing hurt knees, wiping a bum, stopping a fight or checking in on the quiet kids and yet, still manage to stay on topic and not miss a beat!

Alicia is my go-to person.  (Probably even moreso than Doug)  If something makes me laugh, cry or scream in frustration, she knows it.  She understands me and loves me no matter what.  There have been days where we've talked on the phone in the morning, met at my house for coffee and then talked two or three more times on the phone afterwards yet. 

I love her.  She's smart, beautiful and accomplished!  I am so thankful that God gave us each other.  There are days when I think I'd be lost without her.  I had read a quote a little while back and I love how well it pertains to us:

There can be no situation in life in which the conversation of my dear sister will not administer some comfort to me.  ~Mary Montagu

We've had our ups and downs and through all the storms we've weathered, we are still the best of friends.  I am so wonderfully blessed!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

It is January 1, 2011 and numerically it can look like this: 1-1-11... a day in history that will not occur again.  Kind of neat.  This weekend was spent at the *Fidelak Lodge*, also known as Doug's parent's place.  Every few years, they like to go to Fairmont together and this year, they needed someone to watch the house and dog.  We were asked and happily agreed.  It was kind of like a vacation but not too far and so much like home already.  We had the fire in the fire place lit ALL day... so gloriously warm!  I never had cold feet!  The time away from home was great.  I'm actually a little sad to think we have to go home tomorrow and that in just one day, routine will settle in again.  School, voice lessons, and the regular day to day things. 

I wish all my family and friends a wonderful and blessed 2011.  I hope this year is full of all the things you've dreamt of and hoped for.  My hope is for greater faith in God and learning to trust Him more.  I know He is in control and I pray that I will be filled with His Spirit and love.  I want to make sure that God is first and centre of my life.  My husband and children come next.  They are of utmost importance to me.  Their well being, education and life is on top of my list.  I will make sure that they are provided for spiritually, emotionally and physically.  I know that God will help me parent them.  Doug is the love of my life.  My partner.  My friend.  I will ensure his needs are taken care of and that I am the wife he needs.  I pray that our relationship grows stronger this year and that great things happen for us. 

HAPPY 2011!  
May this year be a wonderful one!