Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I have come to the realization that I am at a very different stage of life than many of the friends I had when the kids were younger. 
I have chosen to keep my kids at home for their education while many of them have gone back to work full time as soon as their youngest was in school..
I had a baby when everyone was *done* having kids 7 or 8 years ago. 
I am struggling as I find myself drift away from the people who used to be closest to me.
I look forward to park days when I can visit with other homeschooling moms and share stories and ideas.
I am loving what I do and try hard not to let the friendship distances that have been created affect me too much. 
Unfortunately, I miss those people.  They were my support in my tough days and shared in my joys.
I thought we'd be friends for life...

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie, I'm sorry. That is always tough when life takes you on a different path than those around you. (((hugs)))



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